
This is the recognized website for the Deputy to the East Kingdom Seneschal for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as part of the Seneschallate of the East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. This site may contain electronic versions of the group’s governing documents. Any discrepancies between the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.

Copyright 2022 East Kingdom, Society for Creative Anachronism. The original contributors retain the copyright of certain portions of this site.

This website is maintained and designed by the Seneschal’s webmaster, William Sartelle (Lord Edward Talbot). For information on using photographs, articles, or artwork from this website, please contact the webmaster for assistance in getting permission from the original creator of the piece. Please respect the legal rights of our contributors.